ES6: destructuring assignment

I met a great destructuring assignment through my brother Weslley Araujo, and I need to confess that I really liked it. It is nothing more than an expression that allows us to get data from objects or arrays in a much simpler way.

For we get a property of an object, we could do something like that:

var movieStar = {
name: 'James Bond',
nickname: 'Bond',
profession: 'Federal Agent'
console.log(; // James Bond

With the new guy, we could do something like that:

var movieStar = {
name: 'James Bond',
nickname: 'Bond',
profession: 'Federal Agent'
let { name, profession } = movieStar;
console.log(name, profession);
// James Bond
// Federal Agent

With arrays

If we wanted to take the first item of an array, we could do something like:

var mortalKombat = ['Scorpion', 'Liu Kang', 'Sub Zero', 'Johnny Cage'];
// Scorpion

With the fella destructuring, we could do:

let mortalKombat = ['Scorpion', 'Liu Kang', 'Sub Zero', 'Johnny Cage'];
let [user1, user2] = mortalKombat;
console.log(user1, user2);
// Scorpion
// Liu Kang

It is still possible, play a bit more:

let mortalKombat = ['Scorpion', 'Liu Kang', 'Sub Zero', 'Johnny Cage'];
let [userA, , userB] = mortalKombat;
let [user, ...users] = mortalKombat;
console.log(userA, userB);
// Scorpion
// Sub Zero
console.log(user, users);
// Scorpion
// ['Liu Kang', 'Sub Zero', 'Johnny Cage']

Using when importing files

A very cool thing to use destructuring assignment is when we need to import things to our files. Imagine we have a generic file, as a helpers, something like that:

// helpers.js
export function getNext(arr) {
return (arr.length);
export function makeMoney() {
// ...
// ...

Nice! In other file, let’s suppose that we need only these two functions, and not the entire file. So, let’s go:

import { getNext, makeMoney } from '../helpers';
// Agora temos acesso as duas funções no nosso arquivo
// getNext([1, 2, 3]);
// makeMoney();

Applying to forEach

We could use to in the famous forEach. So, if we have a data like that:

var movieStars = [
name: 'James Bond',
nickname: 'Bond',
profession: 'Federal Agent'
name: 'Dominic Toretto',
nickname: 'Toretto',
profession: 'Driver'
name: 'John Rambo',
nickname: 'Rambo',
profession: 'Killer'

With this data, normally we could do something like that:

movieStars.forEach(function(star) {
// Bond
// Toreto
// Rambo

With the double of arrow-functions and destructuring, we got some powers:

movieStars.forEach( ({nickname}) => console.log(nickname) );
// Bond
// Toreto
// Rambo

Creating objects

We could create objects in this way:

let username = 'Raphael Fabeni';
let nickname = 'Fabeni';
var oldGuy = {
username: username,
nickname: nickname
// {
// nickname: "Fabeni",
// username: "Raphael Fabeni"
// }

But there is a new way much more fun. ◕‿◕

let username = 'Raphael Fabeni';
let nickname = 'Fabeni';
let newGuy = { username, nickname };
// {
// nickname: "Fabeni",
// username: "Raphael Fabeni"
// }

Here you can find an JS Bin with the examples.

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