CSS level 4: custom selectors

The possibility to stock some values in variables was one of the main features among others, in my opinion, to the growth of the adoption of the pre-processor. What if we could store selectors? Yes, I will cry. Κ˜β€ΏΚ˜

It is possible to do something like that:

What we did was store all the elements button and input[type="submit"] and also every element with btn class in :--button. Then, we declare the style rules in :--button.

Based on this, we can play a bit more and do something like:

What we did above was:

We could also get the same result using our friend matches:

The difference, remembered by my friend Rafael Rinaldi is that our great custom selectors is a choice of preset compared with matches, which makes more easy to reuse.

See the Pen :not selector by Raphael Fabeni (@raphaelfabeni) on CodePen.

Here the link with the example above.

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