Conditional classes with classnames

I’m not a React expert but I’ve worked with the framework in the past and I have to say that classnames is something that helps you a lot.

Code is better than words. So, I used to do something like this

const MyComponent = ({ condition }) => (
<div className={`myClass ${condition ? 'is-active' : ''}`}></div>


const MyComponent = ({ condition }) => {
const myComponentClass = condition ? 'is-active' : '';
return (
<div className={`myClass ${myComponentClass}`}></div>

It works… but thinking about the possibility of the number of CSS classes start to increase, this approach wouldn’t be good enough. So, I found out this magic called classnames.

import classnames from 'classnames';
const MyComponent = ({ condition, anotherCondition }) => {
const myComponentClasses = classNames({
'myClass': true,
'is-active': condition,
'has-icon': anotherCondition
return (
<div className={myComponentClasses}></div>
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